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The Social Engagement of the Zoo School Suhl

Visits to Nursing Homes and Care Facilities

We regularly visit senior citizens' homes with our animals. It is always a pleasure to put a smile on the faces of our older generation. Our grandmas and grandpas often bring back old memories and tell many stories from the past and their own youth and animal husbandry.

Our visits are part of the animal-assisted activities and are a welcome change in the everyday life of the seniors and would not be possible without the many helping hands of our supporters and the nursing staff on site.

A big thank you!

​We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts who make these valuable encounters possible!


Visits to Medical Facilities

We are also happy to help people with physical or mental disabilities as well as those who are ill and visit them regularly.

These visits, which range from animal-assisted activities to animal-assisted therapy , are often very emotional moments for us, as we can give pure joy to these people whose lives are not easy anyway.

Many thanks

​We would also like to thank all the nursing staff who lovingly care for their patients every day and actively support our visits.

Thank you for your tireless work!


"A picture is worth a thousand words."

Note: To keep it organized, we have only published a few pictures here. In reality, Mr. Zellin has documented the complete 45-year history of the Zoo School Suhl with photographs. There's a huge filing cabinet filled with pictures... Anyone interested in digitizing them would find a lifelong project. Thousands of images illustrate the social engagement of the Zoo School over the years. Generations of students and visits to social institutions have shaped the Zoo School and the people who have interacted with it. For Suhl, for Thuringia, perhaps even for Germany, it is a unique and valuable social institution.

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